OBDSTAR DC706 Clone BMW ZF 6HP19 TCM by Bench

This is an instruction on how to use OBDSTAR DC706 ECU tool to clone BMW ZF 6HP19 TCM by bench.


Tools used:


P003 kit

ECU bench jumper

Main cable


Note: Please keep OBDSTAR DC706 charging and communicating throughout the process.


Operation steps:


Navigate to main interface, choose “ECU Flasher”-TCM- TCM V30.01

Wait for Initialization communication…

Choose “Brand”- BMW- BMW ZF 6HP19 (BENCH)-Guide

Remarks: click operation instructions at the bottom left to check the best detection method

Click “back”- choose “pinout”-always open with gallery-

Connect according to the wiring diagram

The harness connection is completed

Choose “BMW ZF 6HP19 (BENCH)”- click “start”

In the function interface- choose “connect”

Follow instructions- Read EXT flash- Enter the filname to save- ok

Write EXT flash- No

Please Select the flash date to be written

The ECU cloning operation is completed

Disconnect ECU

Job is done. You can follow the steps to use OBDSTAR DC706 to clone BMW ZF 6HP19 TCM BY BENCH.