How to Read Immo Data from BMW FEM M95128 Using Autel IM608 II

Follow these steps to read immo data from BMW FEM M95128 using Autel MaxiIM IM608 II key programmer.



Begin by connecting XP400 pro to Autel IM608 II. Then, utilize APA103 clamp to establish a connection between EEPROM and XP400.

Navigate to the following sequence of selections on MaxiIM IM608 II:


Select “IMMO”

Choose “BMW”

Proceed to “System Selection” and select “Immobilizer”

Opt for “FEM/BDC immobilizer”

Once within the “FEM/BDC ” section, choose “EEPROM operation”.

At this point, you have the option to choose “Diagram” to verify the connection.


Slide down to verify the information for “BDC M95256”

Examine the position of pins on EEPROM.

In the present case of using M95128, return to the menu and choose “95128”.

Within the menu of im608 II key programmer, choose “Read operation”.

The process of reading EEPROM will initiate. Kindly be patient during this phase.

Upon completion, you have the option to save the data.

By following these steps, you can successfully read immo data from a BMW FEM M95128 using Autel MaxiIM IM608 II, XP400 pro, and APA103 clamp.