IM608 2 Program Key for 2011 Benz W212 E350 AKL OK

Confirmed! The process of programming a new key for a 2011 Mercedes-Benz W212 E350 Sedan, when all keys are lost, has been successfully tested using Autel MaxiIM IM608 II key programmer.

Vehicle: 2011 Mercedes-Benz E350 Sedan (W212)

Problem: Complete loss of all keys

Solution: use Autel IM608 Pro 2 key programmer with smart mode to program a new key

Begin by establishing the correct connection between IM608 Pro 2 device and the vehicle.

Access the main IMMO menu and acknowledge the software and product usage disclaimer. Select “Mercedes-Benz” -> “Smart Mode” -> “All keys lost ”-> On vehicle

Retrieve vehicle information and confirm its accuracy.

Proceed by choosing “Read EIS data” and click “Begin.”

Follow the guidance to place the blank key into the IR keyhole on the XP400 key programmer, click “OK” on the screen to continue.

During firmware upgrading, ensure not to disconnect the USB cable. If prompted about a key password, select “No.” Subsequently, initiate the Password Calculation process.

a. Connect the OBD cable and OBD connector on the wiring harness sequentially.

b. Attach the IR key simulator (APB 102/APB125) to the XP400 programmer.

c. Place the IR key simulator (APB 102/APB125) into the EIS. If already inserted, remove and re-insert it. Initiate data acquisition and password calculation; this step takes approximately 10-30 minutes, varying by vehicle.

Password computation successful.

Go back to the data collection process for All Key Lost situations and proceed to the following step.

Generate the key file.

Place the blank key into the IR keyhole on the programmer in order to write data.

Successful writing of new key.

Follow the provided instructions to test the new key.

Place the new key into the EIS.

If the red indicator lamp on the key illuminates and then goes out, key learning succeeded.

If the red indicator lamp remains lit, attempt inserting and removing the key multiple times.

If it is not functional, the key addition process has failed.

In conclusion, Autel MaxiIM IM608 II proves effective in programming new keys for 2011 Benz W212 E350, offering a reliable solution for all key lost situation.