Will Autel IM608 2 Read Chip SPC5647, SPC5646?

I own a Volvo XC90 from 2016 and later years, and I want to add a smart key from CEM. Which chip should I read – SPC5647 or SPC5646? I assume that Autel IM608 2 with XP400 can handle this, but if not, what other programmers are capable of reading this chip?

Autel IM608 2 with XP400

For those using the Autel IM608 2 with XP400, it is essential to verify whether this programmer supports reading the specific chip you have in your Volvo XC90. If the Autel IM608 2 with XP400 is not compatible, there are other programmers capable of reading these chips.

One reliable method is to use the VVDI Prog, which can read the data from the CEM. Once you have successfully read the data, you can then proceed to write the new smart key via VVDI2. This combination of VVDI Prog and VVDI2 offers an efficient solution for programming new smart keys for your Volvo.

Another noteworthy option is the ACDP from Yanhua. They have released a solder-free adapter designed to work with both newer and older Volvo models. The ACDP adapter simplifies the process of adding smart keys to your vehicle, making it an excellent choice for Volvo XC90 owners.

To sum up, adding a smart key to a Volvo XC90 2016 or newer can be challenging, but VVDI Prog, VVDI2 or ACDP from Yanhua provide a perfect solution. These tools can read the necessary chips and program the key more easily and efficiently.