How to Program Mercedes VGS2 on Bench Using IM608 II?

You can easily code and program Mercedes Benz gearbox TCU VGS2 on bench using Autel IM608 Pro 2 key programmer. Here is the process.

The process involves the following easy 4 steps:

  • Start by renewing the donor.
  • Proceed to copy data from the old unit and create a backup of the coding.
  • Rewrite the data and during the process of restoring coding, the VIN number of the old VGS is selected. After that, you can manually write the VIN. If reading the old VGS is problematic, you can use EIS data as an alternative. Complete the coding and programming online.
  • Once it’s reinstalled, proceed to activate it and carry out the readaptation process. Keep in mind that if you skip the readaptation of gear range sensors, you won’t be able to initiate movement or engage any gears.

For your convenience, please refer to the provided wiring diagram.

Ensure that you have the resistor that bridges pins 1 and 2 of CAN CL and CH. Avoid using GBox 3 as it may cause delays. Instead, use Autel AAC001 cable and bridge the white and green wires with the resistor.

Therefore, locksmiths can effortlessly code and program Mercedes VGS2 on bench using Autel IM608 Pro 2 following the instructions provided above.


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