CGMB Possible add key for W204 AKL?

Question: Is it possible to use CGDI MB to add a key ON CAR (without removing EIS) to W204 when there is no key available? Somebody even tried that?


Of course ! But need to spend an hour to collect data in car if you don’t have the AC adapter.

Question: So procedure is the same, as we do it on table? Connect K-Line wire from OBD to ELV PIN, insert IR adapter and that’s all?

I’m asking because other tools like avdi, autel, need to connect to some fuse/relay (not sure) under the hood.

Answer: All key lost in car, just plug in car OBD, (make sure car battery have enough juice)

no need to use K-Line, but maybe depends on what Benz is it.

On bench also the same, connect EIS pins to OBD, or if you have EIS cable.

then just follow instructions on CGDI screen.

I have been doing that coupe times, without AC adapter need to spend an hour on it to collect data.

Actually you can just go ahead try it, no harm, except you write something wrong to EIS.

And no need to worry if all key slots are used.

just program new key(s) to whatever slot you want, insert key wait a few seconds, start engine.

I have also been doing all these many times.

 CGDI MB and AC adapter tech support: