Key Learning for Ford Fusion AKL with IM608 II

This blog provides step-by-step instructions for locksmiths on how to perform all keys lost for Ford Fusion using Autel IM608 2.


Tools required

Two blank keys

Two paired keys

Autel MaxiIM IM608 PRO II


Note: you will need at least two paired keys at the end of this process.

If you are performing all keys lost, make sure you have two blank keys to start.



First, plug in the VCI to the OBD2 port located underneath the steering column.

Pair the VCI with IM608 ii in VCI management.

Pair the VCI with IM608 ii in VCI

Now that we’re connected, we can tap IMMO>> find the vehicle

tap IMMO

find the vehicle

Automatically scan the vehicle to get the VIN or manually input the vehicle information.

Make>>area>>model>>year>>key type, smart key

confirm vehicle profile

confirm vehicle profire

Go to control unit>> tap “keyless system(CAN)”>> tap “key learning”>> then “all smart keys lost”>> tap “OK”

Go to control unit

tap “keyless system(CAN)”

then “all smart keys lost”>> tap “OK”

This process will delete all current keys, click”ok”

Confirm that the car alarm is not active, press “no”

This process will delete all current keys, click”ok”

Confirm that the car alarm is not active, press “no”

Wait up to ten minutes, press “yes” if you want to clear all keys

You will need two keys at the end of this process in order to start the vehicle

Current number of keys is: Erasing successful, tap “ok”

Place the first key to be learned in the key slot in the middle compartment, it will pair instantly.

Take it out. Then place the second key in the compartment.

press “yes” if you want to clear all keys

Erasing successful, tap “ok”

Place the first key to be learned

Take it out.Then place the second key in the compartment.

Then place the second key in the compartment.

Once your keys are learned, test them by locking and unlocking the doors and turning on the engine.

learning completed


So the job is done here, you can click the link below to discover more about Autel IM608 2: