Solved! IM608 II Won’t Connect to Car via OBD

One customer said, “Hey, I just got Autel MaxiIM IM608 Pro II, and I used it 2 times, but now when I plug in the OBD connection, it won’t connect to the car. Any idea?”

Here is the solution:

  1. Ensure that when you plug in your lead to the VCI, no pins have been bent. Based on your picture, PINS 4 and 5 are bent upwards, causing a lack of grounding.

  1. Use a short OBD extension cable to protect your tool in the future.

Therefore, the Autel IM608 2 connection problem solution is to check the OBD plug. You may have bent pins, which could result in a lack of grounding. Additionally, use a short OBD extension cable for future protection.


If you encounter any problems using IM608 II, our engineers are always here to support you:

WhatsApp: +86-18123844672
Phone: +86-18123844672
Bao’an District, ShenZhen City, Guangdong 518100, China