MaxiIM IM508 Program Key Fob on 2019 Chrysler 300 Issue Solved

One customer said, “I am using Autel IM508 to program a new key fob with all key lost function for a 2019 Chrysler 300. The 12+8 bypass cable is correctly connected. The programming process runs smoothly until I reach the step of learning the new key, it counts down 60 seconds and tells me to hold the key near the center console and press the unlock button repeatedly, but it fails every time. Despite trying various locations in the car and using two different key fobs (one new and one original), the problem persists. I have used the key programmer from the IM508 kit to scan both keys successfully, and the VINs in all the modules match, suggesting no replacements were made. I’m not a locksmith, and we do very little key programming here, I am seeking advice to successfully complete the job.”

autel im508

How the issue is solved:

Check for correct key.

After double check the new key, the customer found the new key he had was for a 2018 and the car needed a 2019+ key. Once he got the correct new key it learned right away.


Autel IM508 for sale on