How to check the Lonsdor K518ISE update expiration time?
Lonsdor K518ISELonsdor k518 update, Lonsdor K518ISE, Lonsdor K518S
How to know if there is an update package for your Lonsdor K518ISE/K518S key programmer device? (or check the update expiration time)
First, please check for one-click updates/check for updates on your device (very important step!!!)
Then click Settings->Device Information, find the paid function, and you will see the last update time on the device.
If you want to order a Lonsdor subscription software, you can visit the websites as bellowing.
Lonsdor K518ISE First Year Software Update Subscription
Lonsdor K518ISE Second Time Subscription of 1 Year Fully Update
Lonsdor K518ISE 3rd Time Subscription of 1 Year Fully Update
Lonsdor K518S First Year Software Update Subscription
Lonsdor K518S Second Year Update Software Lifetime Update Software Subscribtion