BMW 2011 Cas 4 Does Not Accelerate After Add Key via VVDI2

I used a VVDI2 System to add a key to a 2011 BMW 528i. It always worked well before. This time the software told me to downgrade the cast and I may have done that. The key was added fine, but I disabled the car’s central lock button and the trunk opener. On the freeway, the car didn’t speed up like before. I think I messed up the ECU and the engine didn’t get enough oxygen. I’m not sure if that’s true, it’s just a guess. I would appreciate any help or advice.

Here some tips for your reference:

  1. You used OBD to add the key (don’t do that again).
  2. Use Xhorse vvdi2 to update CASback and it will work.
  3. In VVDI2 CAS4 key learning, click on replace CAS button.
  4. Another menu will show up with fixes for your issues.
  5. Below it, it says coding was lost. You need to code CAS with a BMWcoding machine or tool.

Xhorse vvdi2 key programmer for sale: