Autel PowerScan PS100 Review

As a satisfied buyer of Autel PowerScan PS100 circuit tester, I am excited to share its impressive capabilities based on my experience with it.

autel ps100 unboxing

The PS100 is an exceptional and affordable tool that has exceeded my expectations. I was particularly drawn to its point oscilloscope feature, which has proven to be incredibly useful. This versatile device excels in automotive electronic testing, making it an invaluable asset in various situations.


With Autel PS100, diagnosing and resolving issues becomes effortless. Wondering why a light isn’t functioning? Simply apply 12 volts to the bulb holder and instantly check for any problems. Need to confirm the functionality of a switch? Point the tool at the back of the switch, flip it, and get immediate feedback. Dealing with trailer light issues? The PS100’s long cable extension allows you to conveniently reach even the most distant parts of the trailer. Additionally, troubleshooting wiring looms under the car becomes a breeze, aided by the tool’s decent LED light.


Investing in the PowerScan PS100 is a wise choice. Not only does it come in a well-designed case with all the necessary components, but it also pays for itself by enabling you to diagnose problems before seeking professional help. It even empowers you to test unconventional solutions, saving you time and effort by avoiding ineffective fixes.


Besides, I purchased Autel PowerScan PS100 specifically for troubleshooting electrical shorts in vehicles. Having previously used the power probe, I was intrigued by the PS100’s unique scope feature, which proves highly valuable when diagnosing sensors on the go. Its bright and easily readable screen, along with the built-in ohm meter, piqued my curiosity regarding its performance.


Thus far, the PS100 has proven to be incredibly useful and reliable. It eliminates the need for a separate meter in certain tests, and the accuracy of its readings has impressed me.


Therefore, I like the PS100 for four key reasons: its exceptional quality, competitive pricing, extensive features, and excellent after-sales service. As an Autel product, it offers power injection, measurements, and ground testing. With a price of $79.99, it provides great value. The convenient power switch and built-in flashlight enhance usability. Plus, OBD2gate delivers exceptional support. I eagerly await updates on its durability and long-term performance. I invite you to join me in experiencing the remarkable capabilities of Autel PS100.


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